
Third Try

Welcome to Walton Community Library !

We have links with Wakefield Library services but are a volunteer-led, independent library with free membership available to everyone. We have a great selection of books and  jigsaws to loan, free Wi-Fi and public computers, plus photocopying and printing at a small cost. There are board books and toys for our youngest members, and an interesting selection of books for school-age borrowers.

WCL also arranges  many regular meetings and groups, plus special events in the village throughout the year. We have strong support from Working for Walton, the Parish Council, our churches, the New Inn and Walton Club.

logo library
Charles Waterton House
Almond Avenue
Walton Wakefield WF2 6UA
01924 917627   
Reg Charity No.  1154607

Opening Hours 

We are closed on Good Friday , Bank Holiday Mondays and over Christmas and New Year. 

Monday 2 pm 5 pm
Tuesday 10 am 1 pm
Tuesday 2 pm 5 pm
Wednesday 2 pm 5 pm
Thursday 10 am 1 pm
Thursday 2 pm 5 pm
Friday 2 pm 5 pm
Saturday 10 am 1 pm
Sunday Closed Closed

Upcoming Events

The Library hosts a number of events each week. You can see a full calendar using the link below.


Cycling Group 9.15 am ( meet at New Inn)  About  20 miles.  Contact Richard on 07908 938 870

Toddlers Storytime 10-11.15am (Term time only)

Walton Singers 7-8.30pm


Bingo night  first Tuesday of the month


Bridge for established players 10-12noon ( upstairs)

TLC Craft group 7-9pm


Nordic Walking Group meet 9.15 for 9.30. Variable locations. Contact Colin on 07802 181659 for details.


Novices Cycling Group usually 9.30  meet at New Inn. Contact Phil on 07443 258 534

Book Club 7pm on first Fridays

Whist 7pm 2nd + 4th Fridays £3 per person


ASTRONOMY TALK Thurs March 6th 7pm ' My Journey Through the Stars' by local expert Graham Bate. How he became interested in astronomy at a young age and the important events he has seen. Admission £3 at the door.

FUN RUN ' Legging it for the Library' Bank Holiday Monday May 5th  Our HQ is at Crofton Sidings and then running  through the nature park.  5K runs with/without canine companions, plus children's runs.   Book now at https://racebest.com/races/wetgv

Also see our Facebook page using the link on the left!!


The independent COSY NOOK CAFE inside our library is now open!

Mon- Fri 9.30 till 2.30 and Saturdays 10am till 1pm

https://www.cosynookcafe.co.uk   or on Facebook   @the.cosy.nook.cafe.2024

Click on a calendar entry for further details.