Data Protection


Data Protection Policy

How the new General Data Protection Regulation affects members and borrower’s rights.

The data you supply on registering with Walton Community Library is held under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679. This data will be used to facilitate your Library membership and to enable the provision of Library services as well as the provision of borrowing and/or reference facilities, Library surveys, evaluation of members' experiences, providing access to electronic information and services, and the processing of management information.

To enable the Library to provide specific services to individuals if required you may be asked to provide the Library (for example Disabilities Support) with relevant personal data.

Your Library Account transaction information may be used to contact you in order to obtain feedback on your borrowing experience, for the return of overdue items and to inform you of the status of any items you requested.


Personal data about loans are not divulged to third parties. If an item already on loan is requested by another user, the Library will act as broker and recall the item anonymously on behalf of the requestor.

Data may be used, or supplied to third parties, for research or funding purposes, including, for example, research into the impact of Library use on education and research outcomes. Such use or supply of data will conform to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679.

Information Management

Personal data on file will be reviewed periodically to ensure that they are accurate and up to date. It is the member's responsibility to inform the Library (Library Volunteers or Officers) of any changes.

Data will be held for five years after the last use of library services, unless there are any outstanding invoices or matters relating to a breach of Library regulations when relevant case records may be held for a minimum of six years from the last action on the case. Data will be destroyed by the end of the calendar year following the expiry of the stated retention periods.

Further Information

The Libraries Data Protection policy is published at

If you wish to access information held about you by the Library, the Volunteers should be able to provide it at the reception desk. If the staff are unable to provide your requested information the normal course of their duties, you may, under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, make a subject access request by writing to the Library Manager, Walton Library, Charles Waterton House, 6 Almond Avenue , Walton Wakefield WF2 6UA

Owner Walton Community Library
Updated 2 June 2018 by Peter Heigham
Review cycle Two years (alongside Library Regulations)
Date of next review June 2023